Conceptual image of charity and donation

Bringing our tithes is an opportunity for us to give God our thanks, show God we trust Him, and fight against greed in our hearts, all while allowing us to be part of spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ!

We believe the top competitor for our devotion to Jesus is money (Matthew 6:24) and giving allows us to demonstrate that He is more important to us than material things. We believe you can’t out-give God, so when you’re trusting Him with your tithes and offerings we know that He will bless the rest. (Proverbs 3:9-10 and Malachi 3:10-12). We encourage giving to the general fund (tithes), benevolence, missions, and the vision/building fund. Thank you for being an integral part of what God is doing through the Canvas community of believers.

We sincerely appreciate your financial support, however, the Board of Trustees reserves the right to redirect all funds to the area of ministry most needed.




You can conveniently give online by debit or credit card clicking the following button.

You can mail a check to:

Canvas Church PO BOX 590092
Homewood, AL 35209


Giving is a part of worship at every Canvas service. You can simply drop your tithes and offerings in the collection bin or give on the swipe device set up in the back of the auditorium.
